Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Letter! (Oct. 6, 2010)

MOM!!! and fam :)
   first off tell mel and mark I saw the pics of Emma. oh she is soo cute!!! I can't believe it! lots of hair! ohh man. I have half an hour and I don't even know where to begin. I don't even have time to read your letters yet cause i just want to write everything I can first. My mission experience so far has been crazy but I love it! I love being a missionary. It is so fun, you are tired ALL the time but you feel so so good :) I feel great, I love this so much. of course I miss all of you and my friends and home and londyn (how is londyn?) but I just feel awesome always. it is the best. ok... differences between Provo MTC and Preston MTC. Provo...the day I went in to the MTC there were 450 missionaries who went in the same day. my first day in the preston MTC I arrived with 26 other missionaries. provo has about 2500 missionaries right now. preston has..... 26 missionaries :) Its so small!!! provo was like a mini campus but this is like... I don't know, it's just so small!! I can't believe it but I love it!! all the elders and sisters here are so awesome. (btw I am here till the 18 and packages can only be sent to the mish home) I love the people here. you get to know everyone so well. my comp is awesome. she's from sweden, she is the quietest person I have ever met and I was really worried about it at first but I'm breaking her out of her shell:) she is gorgeous and she's really smart. I like her a lot and we're getting to know each other really well. i feel like I've been here forever but it's only been like 4 days or something. i don't even know... the days are so long but so short at the same time. there is one sister here who is a little off the wall but I'm trying to love her. she's just kind of a really loud ditz. that's the only way i can describe her but she knows her scriptures really well and she's way nice. I just need to love her and see the positive. she's one of my roomies so I gotta just laugh at her most the time. I have officially been called as the coordinating sister!! yeah! this means that I'm basically the leader of the pack of girls here and they do what I say. which isn't much cause I'm not that demanding. its fun though, I get to go to meetings with the MTC pres and all the DLs, there's only three districts here. we just talk about all of the companionships and how we can help people and stuff. its a pretty big deal. yep. haha not. but its way fun!
    I always feel SOOO busy and there's so much I have to get done but I feel like I don't have time to. I want to read the BOM and all the mission books and study PMG and all these different things but we only have 1 hour a day for personal study and then its just classes and stuff all day so i just need to figure out how to use my time wisely I guess. crap only 15 minutes!! this goes by way too fast. let's see. we went to the temple today. it was awesome! I love the temple. the movie they had is the same one they play in the draper temple so it was a little taste of home haha it was so good to be there. there was a sister and an elder who went through for the first time because they don't have temples near them at all. it was really neat. I have so much to tell you but I have nothing to say. its just crazy here. I love it. the food is good. the exercise room is just a roped off area of the cafeteria haha it is so funny. all it contains is a tredmill and a stationary bike. and there's yoga pads too. I love it here though.
   anyway, at night, as coordinating sister i am in charge of holding a small devotional in our rooms at night where someone shares a thought and a scripture and we sing hymns. at the end of it we all kneel down in a circle and say a prayer and guess what I make them do every night :) we do our 'sure love ya' thing.(i don't know what you would call it... our cheer?) they love it!! its so cool when 11 of us do it together.
   I have learned so much here. I think you and the fam should start studying Preach my Gospel together. it is so amazing. you can spend an hour on one paragraph just studying it and finding scriptures. we have class all day and I've already used up a lot of my journal cause your always learning new things. last night we had a small lesson on going to the temple and all of the symbolism it has and then we incorporated it into other symbolisms in the church like sacrament. we break the bread cause it represents christs broken body. we cover it with cloth that represents the cloth that covered him in the tomb. the discussions we have here are just so interesting and really get you thinking.
     on Friday they are taking us out and we are going to be contacting for like 4 hours that day. they'll take us on a train and drop us off somewhere and we'll just talk to people and try and get their info!! I am so excited! I can't wait. it'll be a little scary but I think it will be fun. :) the other day we did a role play of going to an investigators house for the first time and instead of just bombarding them with doctrine you're supposed to just get to know them. that's all. see what they need. I never thought about that before. it is so important to get to know the people you are teaching. anyway I have 30 seconds so i gotta go. I love you so so so much!!! hope all is well :) talk to you soon
   love chels

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