Monday, June 13, 2011

So This is Why England is Famous for Rain!

hello! how are you? thanks for the email :) sounds like you guys are doing great! st george?? I'm so jealous. I love st george. the weather here has been...wet. lots and lots and lots of rain. since I've been in England I haven't really seen too much rain but now it won't stop! sometimes people feel bad for us and let us in but usually they don't really seem to care haha buying a pair of wellies has been awfully tempting this week.

guess what?!?! Jannie is getting baptized!!! he decided to move up his date :) I am so excited!!! we had taken him to YSA FHE on Monday and after we left our relief society president talked to him and said he needs to move it up so I can be there and also so that he can get a calling and get the priesthood. she's a very convincing woman apparently cause he came up to me at church and said I want to be baptized sooner! I've tried so many times to get him to do that haha his baptism will be on June 25. I really hope I will be here. transfers are next wednesday and I've been in High Wycombe since december so there's a big chance I'll move but I hope president will let me stay at least one more transfer. i love it here! ...did i tell you Jannie paid tithing last week? ha! he's a mormon

we fasted for robert yesterday and he fasted with us. a bunch of the YSA fasted with us as well, I think there was probably a total of about 7 or 8 who did it with us. I really hope it helped robert. after meeting with him this week it is so obvious that he knows it is all true and he knows God is there. Something inside him keeps him doubting though. it has been really challenging. I feel like after doing this fast with him I have done everything in my power to help him. I don't know what else to do for him. I haven't had a chance to talk to him about how fasting was for him. I'm hoping for a miracle. I had been prompted so many times to get him to fast and we've committed him to do it but he never had so the only way to get him to do it was if we did it with him. I felt so strongly that this is what he needed to do so hopefully he got the answers he was looking for.

Samuel is doing great! he's hard to meet with cause he is so busy but he is awesome and he reads the bom almost every day. hopefully we can start teaching him more. did i tell you about Cynthia? I can't remember. she is a less active I've been working on for a while. she finally came to church last week and we taught her last week and she said she wants us to teach her kids now too. we'lll start teaching them on wednesday hopefully but I am so excited! In my setting apart blessing it had talked about how I will prepare children for baptism but I haven't experienced that yet so maybe this will be them?? :)

sister Keogh is doing great. she has been much better this week. there was one or two days where she wasn't feeling very good but for the most part she is working hard and doing much better. still really shy but she's coming out of her shell. we got to go to the temple this week for trainers and the new missionaries. it was amazing as always. I love the temple so much! I could sit in the celestial room all day. it's always so hard to leave cause we never know when we will get to come back. I miss the days where I could just go whenever I wanted.

Oh guess what else? sunday was such a good day! Emanuel Smith got the aaronic priesthood! it is so cool to see recent converts progress in the church. he is an amazing guy. last week in testimony meeting a member had gotten up and told a story of an african friend he had who he helped bring to the church and now he was just called as a mission president in africa. after the meeting one of our members went up to emanuel and said maybe he'll be a mission president one day and he said 'I hope so!' how cool would that be?

everything is great. I love it here! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. it is crazy. missions are just fun. I am having a blast!
thanks for all the support! I love you soo much. thanks for the example that you are to me! sorry this is so short. we're going to windsor castle again today :) love ya!

love, sister chelsea gregson

1 cor. 1:3
2 cor 1:2-4

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