Monday, September 12, 2011

You Mean Buzzing Actually Works?!

Hello! how has your week been?
things are great here! transfers are on Wednesday but for some reason we are supposed to email today... I don't know why. So right now my companions are in the VC doing chat and I'm around the corner at the mission office, finally a computer that works properly :) Any predictions on what will happen this transfer? Who knows, I don't think anything can beat last transfer..
the other night I got a call from our District Leader and he told me I was being e-moved (emergency moved) to Weymouth. I thought he was kidding but he was acting way serious and kept dragging it out so I started getting all sad but in the end he was kidding and was just calling to give us an announcement...which I can't even remember haha After that little prank I realized that I want to stay in Crawley and I want to stay with both of my companions! which means something will most likely change. This transfer has been really crazy and super hard and i've had to really rely on the Lord. It's been so stressful but so much fun at the same time. I think it has easily been one of my favorite transfers.
This week has been a really good one. We did an exchange with the sisters serving in Tunbridge Wells on Wednesday which was a lot of fun. I stayed in Crawley cause I'm the only one driving at the moment, and both my companions went to T.Wells. the T.Wells sisters are in a tri as well so two of them came to Crawley with me. sister priestley and sister keogh!! yes, sister keogh is still hanging in there! she is doing really great! she said it has been about 4 weeks since the last time she passed out. haha that's a huge improvement. I think in the three months we served together her record was a whole week and a half without passing out. She's doing really well, the new anxiety medication is helping her so much and I think working in a tri has been good for her cause there is less pressure on her. It was a really fun exchange. The Visitors Center is closed for cleaning. we still go there to do chat but since sister preistley and keogh aren't chat sisters we went out finding. I feel like it's been so long since i've actually done some proper contacting :) it was a lot of fun and i always learn so much from serving with other missionaries. It was difficult after serving with sister preistley for a day. she is an amazing missionary and I started wondering why she wasn't the one in my position, training two missionaries, cause they could have learned so much more from her but whatev. Heavenly Father gave me this calling for a reason so I'm trying to just do my best and not compare myself to others. It's been such a good experience for me and I have loved it.
During the exchange we went out knocking for a bit and eventually got to some flats so we started buzzing. I hate buzzing flats. very rarely do you actually get somewhere but then we had a massive miracle!! it was only the second flat we buzzed and a man came to the door. His name is Nikolay from Bulgaria. He has been here for about 2 months and he'll being leaving for India in a month or so to go back to his wife. as I talked to him on the doorstep I had a really cool conversation with him. I felt the spirit guiding my words and I was surprised at some of the things I was saying because it was things I had never before said when out talking to people. The spirit was so strong! I knew the spirit was guiding my words to say what Nikolay needed to hear because he stepped back and looked really shocked after hearing what I had to say.
we were able to see him again later in the week and it was an amazing teach. He is so prepared for the gospel. I had given him a Book of Mormon in English when i first met him and when we went back he said it was hard for him to read it and he needs one in bulgarian but he still felt good just having the book with him. We talked to him about church and he was so excited to come. He loved it too! it was soo funny though. I think word of wisdom might be a little tricky for him. he smokes and he seems to love his whiskey :) when they were passing the water for the sacrament he asked sister burrows if it was whiskey haha could you imagine?? everyone taking shots of whiskey for the sacrament... haha sorry pal, not quite.
He is such a funny guy and he is so excited about learning more about the church. I'm excited to teach him! One nice thing about serving at the VC is we are close and we can easily get investigators there and that is always such a great experience for them. we're hoping to get him there some time this week and it will be nice because since it will be closed we will be the only ones in there so there won't be any distractions.
so remember how i do chat? how weird is that? It's going well. Magnet Man has come back on a few different occasions. (I loved the drawing of him by Melissa and Em by the way!! that was so funny!) I think I told you about Mike, the kid who lives in portugal. Last week we talked to him for quite a while and we had set up a return appointment with him. we were all hopeful but slightly skepitcal because we didn't know if he would actually show. the time he was supposed to chat with us came and went and he didn't come so we were kinda bummed but we were still supposed to be doing chat for a couple of hours and eventually Mike showed up!! he was like 2 hours late but he came! we were soo excited! We have mostly been talking about prayer with him. he is struggling with feeling comfortable with it. the things he says and questions he has remind me SO much of Robert. it was such a good conversation though and we have another return appointment with him this week. we have a progressing investigator on chat... see? weird! but it's cool to see how it actually works.
That pretty much sums up my week. lots of driving lessons as well. my theory test is next week which is the written part and then a few weeks after that will be the driving test. I'm soo nervous! just pray i will pass so I can get my license soon cause my year mark is in like 3 weeks and then I can't drive with my american license anymore.
my year mark is in three weeks?? aahh!!
anyway, I gotta get going. thanks for everything!! I love you :) stay happy, have a great week!
I love ya
love, sister gregson
ps..on the church website there are like three pics of when elder bednar came to speak to us and one of them is of my awesome choir haha yesss

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