Monday, October 17, 2011

Left Side

My driving test is in about two weeks and I really hope I pass because Sister Howard's driving is scary! haha she is definitely improving but a few times we've ended up on the right side which is the wrong side. It's kind of funny but super scary. Bless her :) Sister Howard is really improving with her confidence, she's come so far since I first started serving with her in Crawley. I love serving with her, we are having a ton of fun.
I had a chance to work with Sister Burrows again this week. We did an exchange with her so I went to East Grinstead with her and Sister Allred came to Haywards Heath with Sis Howard. It was fun to work with Sister Burrows again, she is such a great missionary.
I talked to Sister Keogh the other night. President Shamo told her she could call me pretty much whenever she wants. It sounds like she is doing well considering the circumstances. Her brother is getting home from his mission I think this week so it will be a good distraction for her. She said she would start calling Robert weekly to help him cause he still struggles a bit but he's still going to church and everything. I'm hoping he will make a trip to the temple soon so I can see him. I saw tons of people I know at the temple this week. One of the families who was reactivated when I was in High Wycombe went through the temple for their first time on Saturday and that is the day I work at the VC so I got to see them! There was a whole crew of people from the HW ward. It was so fun to see everyone and catch up with them. I really hope that one day I will make it back to HW. I felt like I was leaving family when I left!
I also saw Laurie Beardall at the temple on Saturday!! Laurie was my sorority advisor. She is traveling around England with her husband and her sister and they happened to quickly stop by the temple on Saturday! It was so weird seeing them but it was so much fun to talk with her! It was so random haha she said she would come visit you and show you pics :)
This week has been really great. It makes me sad cause time really is just moving faster and faster. I seriously don't even know what happened this week. This transfer is almost over. I really hope I stay in Haywards Heath. I really like it hear. But who knows. President seems to like to move me around lately. Nigel is doing really well. Just keep him in your prayers. We are having a difficult time meeting with him frequently because he is so busy and he decided to take the alpha I think he studies with JW's as well. He wants to make sure that The Church of Jesus Christ is right for him. Which is good but I think it will make some things difficult. He talks with his cousin, liz, about church and everything though and he loves church and he's been watching conference online and is really enjoying that as well. He is so great. sadly we won't be able to see him till Sunday this week which is a bummer. He actually lives in Crawley but he wants to be baptized in Haywards Heath so we've gotten permission to teach him.
We're struggling a bit with finding more people to teach in Haywards Heath. However, on chat we're teaching loads of people from sweden and portugal and lithuania. It's pretty crazy. We have a few people who are hopefully now meeting with missionaries and one of them has a baptism date for Dec 24. It is so weird teaching people over chat but it seems to be surprisingly effective.
Sister Howard and I did a session at the temple this week. It was so nice. I have been so spoiled with getting permission to attend the temple. That is one major plus of serving so close to the area it is in and serving at the VC. Most of the missionaries haven't been since December. The HW couple that just went through will be getting sealed next month and so I'm hoping I can get permission to go to the sealing. That would be such a great experience! If I'm still serving close to the temple I am sure I can get permission from President.
I really hope I stay in Haywards Heath this next transfer. Sister Howard and I have got some great ideas but they won't really get going until this next week probably. President has been wanting us to use family history more often as an approach so we are going to try to start teaching people how to do family history. I need to learn how first though haha but conveniently enough, the senior couple at the VC is going to help us figure it all out :) so hopefully that will get going soon, President has really been wanting people to use it more and no one really does but I will try! Even though I have no idea what I am doing.
How is the weather in Utah? It is beautiful here. It's been really sunny but it is getting colder and colder. I'll need a new supply of handwarmers soon haha you know how I do in the cold.
Today Sister Howard and I are going to Brighton for pday. It is down by the coast. Apparently it is kinda like the San Francisco of England? I don't know if that is good or bad but I liked San Fran when we went! It should be fun and hopefully we will get to see the coast and get some cool pics.

Things are going so well. I am so happy. I love being here in England and being a missionary. It is so much fun! I think I'll stay :)
It sounds like you are doing really well. I hope you have a great week! Thank you for the letters. I'm so grateful for all you do. I love you!!

Love, sister g

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