Monday, October 3, 2011

Beautiful England!

Hello :) how are you this week? Didn't you love conference!! I still haven't watched all of it sadly. I saw all of it except the Sunday afternoon session. Usually they show it a couple weeks later in sacrament meeting but who knows if I will ever get to watch it. I hope so!
I think time is starting to go faster and faster... I don't even know what happened this week.

 We had Zone Conference on Tuesday and it was soo good! I always learn so much from President and Sister Shamo. They are the best. I saw Sister Keogh at the Conference. She didn't look very good. Poor girl. Her companion had called me monday afternoon and she was really worried cause sister k had been passed out for a good 15-20 minutes. Her poor companion didn't know what to do so she figured she would call me cause I know how to deal with it. I just talked her through it and tried to help but there wasn't much I could do. she had been doing so well last transfer but this transfer has been a lot worse and she's been passing out again. I think she even passed out a couple times during the conference. Most the time during conference we were training so I didn't get much of a chance to talk with sister k but when I went to talk to her after she was in tears. She told me she doesn't know if she can deal with this health problem/anxiety anymore and she wants to go home but I think she was just saying that out of frustration. She called me later that night and said that she doesn't want to go home she just doesn't know if she can fight through it anymore but she feels like she needs to stay on her mission. I feel so bad for her and I wish I could help her. It has got to be so hard to have such a strong desire to do the work but struggle so much physically. She said President Shamo has talked to her dad about it and he will be calling her today with a decision of what he will have to do with her. At this point who knows? I think President is really getting frustrated with it and doesn't know what to do with her. Just pray for her :) She will be ok and it will all work out but it is just a really difficult situation.

Sister Howard got sick for a bit this week. It was like the good old days with sister k. I was able to keep myself pretty busy though. our flat is really clean :) and our map now has stickers telling us where members and less actives live haha the great part was at zone conference president gave us all portable dvd players. dead serious :) I can only imagine the apostasy that will be happening.... We have them so we can do training on them. there are a lot of PMG training videos and they show missionaries teaching people. It is kinda like a documentary thing. so while she was sick, that night I watched some movies. all of which are approved don't worry! but that got old can only watch Finding Faith in Christ so many times. ;)

We've seen a lot of miracles this week. White washing is hard but we're getting adjusted. we're still just trying to get things moving which is taking longer than I was hoping. however the ward here is so amazing and they actually do missionary work! there is this woman who has been bring her cousin to church and he is very interested. We will be teaching him at the temple this week. He got up in priesthood last week and basically told everyone he knows it is true. But for some reason he doesn't want to meet with us yet. I don't know why but I'm excited to have him at the temple. it works every time:)

We also met this really cool girl, Pinal, from India. she is awesome. she has been in England for about a year and she was so excited when she came here because she really wanted to learn about all the churches and get involved with the communities but turns out not many people in England go to church. huh. Sister Howard approached her and said 'do you have any friends that want to learn about christianity?' and she was like 'no, but I do!' haha it was really cool! we talked with her about Jesus Christ, she is hindu so her beliefs are very different. we want to get her to the temple on wednesday as well. She seems really interested in learning about our church.

 that is pretty much my week. conference was definitely the highlight. I loved it! President Monson is so funny :) There were so many great talks and I learned a lot. I was so sad when it ended.

Haywards Heath is a lot of fun. the ward members are so cool and they are always calling us checking up on us and making sure we have dinners and everything. they are amazing!

England is so beautiful right now. the leaves are changing but the weather has been surprisingly hot this week. I'm dreading the cold weather. I got so cold last year!

Thank you so much for everything! It sounds like you are doing great :) I missed the egg mcmuffins for breakfast conference morning.
I love you! have a great week!
love, sister gregson

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