Monday, October 10, 2011

Prunes and Custard

yes. I had prunes and custard at a dinner appointment this week. I definitely do not recommend it.

Anyway, how are you?! How has your week been? I can't believe you had snow already! That is so crazy. The weather has been a little cold this last week but not too bad yet. I'll need to pull out my winter coat soon enough though. That will be a sad day.
Well, first up in the London South. Sister Keogh went home :( That was a sad day. I was talking to her almost every night and she kept saying over and over that she feels like she needs to stay and then I called her early last week and she said 'I'm going home' she had prayed a lot about it and we had fasted together on Sunday and she said she felt like going home now was right. She had needed to stay until this point. President Shamo told her he would work through it with her and she didn't have to go home just yet but she said she knew it was the right thing to do. We go as the Spirit directs. She was an incredible missionary and I'm so glad I got to work with her. We had a lot of fun and saw so many miracles together, even with being stuck in a flat all the time :) She was pretty emotional the day she was going home but she still had a sense of peace. Heavenly Father has a different plan for her right now and she knows that. She said she will be coming to Utah within the next year so it will be fun to see her again! Maybe one day I will even make it to Scotland :)

It's been a great week! We've had some frustrating moments but we've also seen some miracles. We have this woman in our ward, Elizabeth, who has been sharing the gospel with her cousin, Nigel, and he has been studying on his own and with Elizabeth. I think I told you about him a little bit last week? He came with Liz to the Visitors Center this week and he loved it. He seemed to have a really great time. We were the only ones in the vc and we got to teach him. It was a really amazing experience, the spirit was so strong the entire lesson. Sister Howard and I were being led in all our words and the scriptures we were using. We talked with Nigel about baptism and he wants to be baptized! He said he wants to take his time with it though so it won't be until December 10. That is far away but it is ok because he can only meet with us once a week anyway. He is such a good guy. So sincere and humble. Liz is an amazing missionary. She's helping Nigel a lot and she also texted us recently saying she was at a lecture and all these people started talking about family history so now we are going to start teaching family history class for them, probably next week. That will be tough cause I've never really done family history but the senior couple at the vc will train us and help us teach it because they have a lot of experience with it.

Yesterday was funny. Sister Howard and I got to sing in sacrament which was fun! but we had an Elder who just finished his mish here in elsm come back and visit. He served in Haywards Heath so he came to visit the ward. It was so funny cause we saw him there and then we stopped by less actives after church and he was there too. I didn't like teaching them with him there. Pressure.. ha! It was really wierd but he helped us a lot actually cause he gave us tips with visiting a few recent converts.

I've had a few opportunities to talk with people who want to serve missions one day. At the vc on Saturday this father and daughter were there and he came up to us and asked if we could talk to his daughter about serving a mission. she is only 10 but she wants to go one day and he was so excited that his daughter got to talk to sister missionaries because she never had before. it was a really cool experience. I also had a chance to talk to this guy last night about serving. He comes to the vc a lot because he lives in the area. He is in his 20's and he was baptized last October. He is a really cool kid. I saw him last night and we started talking about missions. He really wants to go but his parents are a little bit anti towards the church and especially towards missions. It's really been a struggle for him but it was good to just share my testimony of missionary work and that if it is what Heavenly Father wants him to do he will have that opportunity. He really wants to go and he would be a great missionary so I hope his parents will support him more on that.
Speaking of future missionaries, I am so excited for all the girls from our ward serving and preparing to serve!! How many sisters is that now? I think like 6? yess holladay 26 :) Missions are the best. It is going by way too fast. We're already half way through this transfer!

We had training this week as well. Lots and lots and lots of practice. It was good but I was so sick of role play by the end. Sister Howard and I had a cool experience afterwords though. The training was in Crawley and we had gotten there before the gates were opened for the car park so we parked in a little neighborhood and walked over. when we were walking back I saw a lady across the street so we went over and ended up talking to her for about half and hour. She had a lot of questions about the church and our beliefs. I tried to get her to come to the chapel with us for a chapel tour (and she could just happen to meet president... he can convert anyone) :) but she didn't have time. She didn't want to meet with missionaries either but it was just fun to teach her and talk with her and she was so excited to have a book of mormon and read from it. Sister Howard is improving a lot as well. She is pretty shy with talking to people but this last week I've really seen a difference in her. We've had a lot of fun contacting and bearing our testimonies to people.

well, I gotta go. Thank you for everything! I love you so much and I'm grateful for your love and support! It helps me a lot :) have a great week! I love you!
love, sister gregson

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