Monday, December 5, 2011

This Is My Life

Good morning! How are you?? Thank you for the email, it sounds like everyone is doing so great. Can you believe how fast Christmas is coming?? The lights in Exeter have been up for a couple weeks now and I love them but nothing compares to Temple Square.. I miss that so much!
This week has been amazing. We are seeing so many miracles and having lots of fun and staying so busy.
Monday for pday we got together with our whole zone which never happens because our zone is HUGE and it takes so long to travel but we got permission from president to do it this week. It was so much fun. We did a Thanksgiving dinner on a very low budget haha It turned out pretty well! Everyone brought something to share. It was a proper Thanksgiving dinner, turkey and all. We did it at the chapel in Plymouth and of course the Elders ran off to play basketball so putting the dinner together got dumped on us. It was surprizingly stressfull haha but it was so much fun! and one of the Elders gave us £20 for making it all. :) after our zone thanksgiving pday we were traveling out to Bracknell to spend the night with the sisters there because there was a conference the next morning in Reading. I feel like we've taken that 4 hour journey so many times now. The drive up always seems so eventful, no food poisoning this time but the Elder that was driving was speeding and we got pulled over and he got a £60 ticket! oops.
The conference was soo good! All the District Leaders and Zone Leaders had training and then they did a specialized training for all of the sisters as well. It was so much fun! I learned a lot and it was cool to have all the sisters there. The spirit is so powerful when you get together with all the other missionaries. It is amazing. I love it so much!
So, Sister Mills was having a massive ear ache all week and Wednesday we went to the hospital to get it looked at. She has a cyst in her ear, which is so hilarious because last week she had one in her eye. haha poor girl. I have now been to the hospital NINE times on my mission. And I think once was for me. I always get the sick companions haha But nothing compares to Sister Keogh so I can handle dealing with a little cyst :)
Martyn is doing well. We were pretty worried last week. He was dealing with so much opposition and really struggling with a lot of things but this week he seems so much better. He seems a lot happier. He's still pretty stressed though so please keep him in your prayers. We are doing an FHE with him at a members home tonight. Martyn is so funny, he is the biggest goofball. Imagine dad times 10. It's pretty wild.
Miracles never cease! We have seen so many this week. A couple weeks ago we got a referral, Silva, from the office but we couldn't contact her and we can't really get to her on the bus. We got a call from the office saying they had gotten an email from the referrals friend asking why we hadn't gone yet and they explained why so they told us to try again. We called Silva right after we talked to the office and she answered! And she is so amazing!! She had discussions with missionaries with her friend in the states recently and she loved it so much and she really wants to learn more. She was so excited to talk with us and even said she would drive out to us to meet. We haven't met her yet because she was gone over the weekend but hopefully sometime this week we will be able to see her. She is swedish but there doesn't seem to be much of a language barrier because she speaks english very well. I'm so excited to teach her!
We also met this guy, Anthony, this week. Sister Mills has seen him in town the past couple transfers but she's always been teaching someone when she sees him so she's never talked to him. The other day we were at the library teaching someone and we saw him and he waved at us. The very next day we got a bus into town and the second we walked off the bus he was there!! We started talking to him and he was so nice and really wanted to meet with us. We taught him this morning and he is incredible. The teach went so well and the spirit was so strong. Sister Mills and I usually work very well together but it was magnified in the teach. It was amazing. He accepted a baptism date for december 31 so please keep him in your prayers :)
Keep the Goddards in your prayers as well!! They are that family we met. They are doing so well. I love teaching them. We are teaching them again tomorrow. We were supposed to teach them last week but they had to cancel, we still saw them briefly but it wasn't a proper teach. I think the most difficult thing will be the dad. He is friends with the husband of someone the elders in newton abbot are teaching. Both the husbands aren't too thrilled about their wives meeting with us. It's a pretty crazy situation. I just hope he allows them to continue learning and hopefully get baptized as well.
Anyway, times up!
Things are going so well! I love it out here so much. Exeter is amazing. It is so beautiful and I really like the ward. Sister Mills is great. I love working with her! We have so much fun. Transfers are WEDNESDAY!! I hope we both stay but who knows. It's always so unpredictable with President Shamo.
Thank you so much for everything! I love you so much! Have a great week:)
Love, sister gregson
ps i love you

pps. Someone sent this poem to Sister Mills and I loved it. It describes the mission so well :)

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