Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner, Duck, Duck, Goose and an Exchange

hello!! how are you? I'm glad to hear you are still alive and doing well. I hope you are feeling better! Thank you for all the Thanksgiving letters. I really appreciate all the support that my family and friends have been giving me while I've been out here. It helps me so much :)
I know I say this probably every week but time is going by WAY too fast!! I don't like it. This transfer especially has just been flying by. I wish it would just slow down.
I love being out here. I am having so much fun. When I thought of serving a mission I didn't really think about how much fun it would be but I am having a blast! Missions are so amazing. I think I'll stay out here :)
I think time is going by so fast because we have been so busy and are always just running from one place to another. We are teaching a lot of really great people.
Monday night we had a fiesta with the Bishop and his family. 7 kids! I felt right at home :) they invited another family from the ward and then they also invited some non member friends of theirs. It was so fun. We had mexican food for dinner which was so good. I miss mexican food, they don't really have it here so Sister Mills and I were so excited!! after dinner we shared a message about the Book of Mormon and then we played duck duck goose haha even the bishop got in on it and it was so funny. Bishop Wright and his family have made pans to move to Utah around the same time I get home from my mission and I am so excited to have a little taste of England back home with me :) They are such a fun family.
Thanksgiving dinner was SO GOOD! we even had some pumpkin pie! Not near as good as grandmas but it was soo good. I missed being home with the fam but Sister Mills and I have been talking recently about how we haven't really gotten homesick on our missions because all the members are so good to us and make sure that we are taken care of. I am so grateful for that because I think if they weren't so fun and supportive I would get homesick during the holidays. I don't miss ya! sorry! ha jk, of course I miss you but I know this is where I need to be and I love it out here so much. It just feels right :)
We did an exchange today. Sister Mills stayed here with Sister Priestley and I went to a place called Paignton with Sister Cabrera. Sister Cabrera is a new missionary and she is from Chile. She is so cool, we had a lot of fun. I felt bad for her though because she got really really lost and I was no help to her at all cause I don't know the area. We were literally jumping from one bus to another trying to figure out where to go. Luckily we eventually made it to our appointment which was with Peter Shofield, the man who just got baptised that had me sing Jerusalem at his baptism, and his wife sue who got baptised a month ago.
(I just realised this computer automatically does the english spelling haha)
It was so fun to see them again. You can see that the gospel has brought them so much happiness and they are so eager to continue learning more. We were teaching him priesthood and he already knew all of it.
Sister Cabrera and I got to have language study in the morning so we worked on her english and then she helped me with my spanish! I haven't spoken spanish in so long. I forgot how much I love it! she helped me write down my testimony in spanish which was really cool. maybe one day I will get to use it.
We knocked into a family! there are not 8 of them sadly haha
We had gone out to go knocking and we were close to Martyn so we thought maybe we should go see him cause we hadn't been able to meet with him for a couple of days. I knew if we did we would be there forever and we would have time to go knocking and Sister Mills and I hadn't even gone knocking together yet cause we are always too busy so I said we should just go knocking instead cause that is what we originally planned. So we went and the very first door we knocked on opened and it was a family. The Goddard family. They are so cool. The mom (kelly) was raised JW but she doesn't really follow it and her kids follow it a little. We talked to them forever and she wouldn't give us her number or anything but kept talking to us so we kept teaching and eventually she let us in!! They were so interested in everything we were teaching them. It was so amazing. We were in shock the whole time. It was Sister Mills first time knocking in so she was super excited. When we left we were just screaming and acting like fools because we were so excited! We will be seeing them this week so keep them and Martyn in your prayers. Kelly (mom) Charlie (daughter, 14) Harry, and Toby (her two sons) the dad left the room when we came in but hopefully we will be able to teach him as well when we go back.

Anyway, I'm low on time. Just want to say thank you for everything. I am so grateful for you and all you do for me! It really means a lot to me.
Things are going so well here and I am so happy. I love being a missionary and seeing the way the saviour changes people. Its amazing.
I love you I love you I love you!!!
Love, chels

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