Monday, November 14, 2011

 Hello!!! How are you this week? Thank you for the emails :) It sound like all of you are doing great!
Guess what? I finally made it to EXETER! Yay! It is beautiful here! A lot more wet though. In my other areas it didn't ever rain excessively but it doesn't seem to stop here... It is going to be a looong winter. Wet and cold. And what is even better, we don't have heating in our flat. Just space heaters! Really? Yes. Really. That's the first time that has happened on my mish. Just in time for winter. sweet.
It has been a wild ride already in Exeter. Sister Mills is awesome. We get along really well so we are having so much fun all the time. We are pretty similar so of course it is just a party all the time :)

You won't believe the week we have had. My time in Exeter has definitely started off with a bang!
So, Tuesday was Sister Mills birthday. I took her out to lunch at a place called Nandos. yum!! best food ever. but that was the last real food we had till now BECAUSE that night we went to a members home for Dinner. They were doing a b day dinner for Sister Mills. They made us this stew but I am positive the meat was still moving.... or mooing. It was soo bad! We've had food poisoning ever since. Today is the first day that I haven't felt sick to my stomach. All week I've lived on toast and tomato soup. It's been a long week. haha
Happy Birthday Sister Mills, Welcome to Exeter Sister Gregson!

The next day we were soo sick and we had to drive with the elders all the way to Bracknell that night because there was a Zone Conference in Reading and we were staying overnight with the Sisters in Bracknell. The elders picked us up and maybe half an hour later we were pulled over on a tiny dark country road and Sister Mills was throwing up. We were either laughing or crying the whole time. We were sitting out there for about 45 minutes and the elders were just sitting in the car waiting. haha it was a little sad but mostly just funny. Eventually Sister Mills was ok so we got her a priesthood blessing and we were on the road again. Bracknell is about a three hour drive was a long car ride haha

That whole night I felt fine and Sister Mills was suffering but the next morning we swapped roles and I felt horrible. It was zone conference so a 70, Elder Wright, was coming. Sadly we didn't really get to enjoy it. I also got a priesthood blessing that day from one of the elders which helped a lot. It was such a long day. Elder Wright heard we were sick so he came over to us during lunch and talked to us. He is such a great guy. What I heard of the conference was AMAZING! but we didn't hear much haha

That's our week in a nutshell. The rest of the week went about the same. I haven't eaten a proper meal in so long. I'm starving but I'm scared to eat anything.. I'm feeling ok today so we'll see how it goes. I might go vegetarian...
It was definitely a beautiful mess.

 That's about it..ha! this morning before coming to email, Sister Mills and I went to this place called 'suckers' it is this place where you dip your feet in a fish tank and these little fish eat away your dead skin! It is so funny! I had a cut on one of my feet so I only got to put one in and so I asked the guy if I could get half price and he said no but he let me do my hands as well and then after they gave us a foot massage and a hand massage! it was so fun :) My left foot was a little lonely, no foot massage due to the...cut.

Good times :) anyway, That about covers the week#1 I miss being so close to the temple but I think I am really going to like it here in Exeter. Once I get a chance to work properly haha
Thanks for everything! I love you so much!!
Have a great day!
Love, chels

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