Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ask Me if I'm TRAINING...

May 11, 2011

yep! I've been called to train!!! I haven't decided how I feel about it yet. I'm soo nervous. We're taking sister Mocza to the temple today at one and I'm getting my new companion! I don't know anything about her yet. president shamo called me yesterday and said 'are you ready for a new companion? and when I say new i mean NEW' ha! great. thanks president. ..I'm excited but a bit scared cause I feel like I haven't been out long enough to be a trainer but I will do what the Lord wants me to do. I can't believe this. hopefully she can bring in the 'greenie miracles' cause High Wycombe needs it :) 

  things are going well. Robert ended up coming to dinner on sunday at a members home with us. he tried to get out of it. he called me and told me he was in a really bad mood cause he had a bad day and didn't want to really talk with all these people at dinner and he asked me to apologize to the members and I said robert you told them you would come and if you're not going to i'll give them the phone so you can apologize to them. haha (I may have said it sarcastically but I was serious!) and he reacted just the way I wanted him to cause he came haha later he called me out on giving him a guilt trip for trying to get out of coming, it was so funny. but it was good for him to come. he ended up having a great time! he's a funny kid. It's difficult with him right now. I think the only thing that is holding him back is smoking. I think he's a bit afraid of trying to quit again cause he realized how hard it would actually be so we'll see what will happen. 

  It was sooo good to talk to you guys on sunday!!! that timing was perfect cause this dang transfer has been killing me so it was fun to talk with you. and see you :) it's so nice to have brothers and friends who are returned missionaries cause I've been getting a lot of help/advice lately that is helping a lot. but I know that most of it is something I just have to figure out on my own. I'm learning to really rely on the Lord and let him do the refining and I know that he'll help me reach the potential only he knows I have. even if the means I have to train... 

 this week has been weird. sister mocza is trying so hard to stay focused but let's face it, she's going home, she's not focused. haha she's a bit trunky but she keeps workin! I love her she's so funny. we were walking home last night and i said 'Sister Mocza what are you most excited to do when you get home?' and she responds 'pet my guinnea pig'  hahaha yes. she is so cute, I laughed so hard. there are probably 3 things that get sister Mocza excited lately. animals, flowers and curry. bless her. It's been fun working with her. this transfer was soo long but it went by pretty quick...which doesn't make sense. she invited me to come to hungary so she can make me deep fried cheese and blood sausage...what better reason to go to hungary? it can't get much worse than pig ears can it? 
  I feel like I don't have much to tell you since I just barely talked to you. the only new news is that I'm training. life is good. missions are the best. I think my favorite part of the day is definitely personal study. I've been reading from the new testament every day and I LOVE it. it is so good. it's amazing how much stronger my testimony has gotten since I've decided to serve on a mission. it was hard to come but it's changed my life in a way I never expected. I love being here, I love learning about Christ and seeing how the atonement applies to myself personally and also those around me and I love serving the people. plus i get to live in England for a year and a half :) 

  well sorry this letter is so short but I'm off to go pick up my greenie!!! oh baby!

I Love you soo much, thank you for everything. you help me soo much, I love all the letters and support. thank you!!!

 love, sister chelsea gregson

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