Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

February 14, 2011

hello?!???! why aren't my emails sending? that's so weird. too bad cause the past couple weeks have been crazy.
  this week on the other hand has been amazing!!! wet...but amazing!! we had a baptism last night! since you haven't been getting my emails I don't know how much I told you about Angie and Yemmi... yemmi is a friend of a woman in our ward, penny. penny has been telling yemmi about the gospel for years but yemmi was never really interested. the last couple weeks she came to church with penny and then about 3 weeks ago penny took her to the slough ward cause that is the area she lives in. that same week in church president and sister shamo just so happened to be speaking in sacrament meeting in slough and they are amazing speakers. yemmi was talking to sister shamo after the meeting telling her how much she loved the talk and everything and then sister shamo said 'well let's get baptized!!' and so yemmi decided she wanted to be baptized :) we didn't get to teach her though because she's in the slough area which is our district leaders area. but then a couple days after that we got a call from our DL and he asked us if we wanted a baptism date! yeah!! angie is yemmis daughter and she decided she wanted to be baptized with her mom! so we taught her in two weeks and they got baptized last night. it wsa amazing. angie and yemmi are incredible women. angie would get so emotional in our teaches with her. the spirit was always so strong. she will be amazing for the church because she has a strong desire to work with the youth. it was an amazing service last night. president and sister shamo came and spoke which was so cool. I love seeing them and they are so inspired. I always love hearing what they have to say.

 by the way. I was talking to sister shamo about my eye last night. i went to the doctor a few days ago and he thinks I am having an allergic reaction to my contacts... sis shamo said she would call you soon and give you my number so we can figure out what to do... so I guess I'll talk to you soon!!

  about the sheet music. just send me anything. piano stuff, accompanying stuff, singing as well. the ward and the mission keeps asking me to sing and play for all these things but I don't have any music, just make sure its easy please since I can't ever practice.

  we also had Zone conference this week with the shamo's it was really cool. they just talked a lot about staying focused and to always be working. even on the bus! that's whats hardest for me. I am so bad at bus contacting. president gave me a challenge this week. he told me to find brad pitt and angelina jolie haha they live in High Wycombe. supposedly by one of our ward members, they know which house it is. i'll see what I can do haha shouldn't be too hard!

  the Gomez family, the portuguese one, is doing great. they are slowly progressing. we still can't get them to come to church though because if one of the kids doesn't want to go then none of them go. we never would have been at church if we worked that way when I was growing up :) but andre, the oldest son, has been staying for our lessons now and he prayed the last two times we were there!! so it is getting better with them.

  I've had some amazing spiritual experiences this week. as I learn to submit to the lord and his will it is changing my outlook on the work. I definitely feel His presence in my life more. as I pray and as I study I feel overwhelmed with the spirit. it is amazing:)

  anyway, I gotta go but thank you so much for everything!! sorry you haven't been getting my letters...I don't know whats going on but hopefully you get this!! transfers is next week so you probably won't hear from me till wednesday. I love High Wycombe and the ward is so amazing. they are so much fun to be around and the longer I'm here the more I love them so I would be sad to leave but I'll go where I'm needed!

   tell everyone hello for me! I hope all is well! happy valentines day!! I love you so much! thank you for everything! you really mean so much to me and I cannot thank you enough for all the love and support you give me. thank you! I love you!
 love, sister gregson

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