Wednesday, May 25, 2011

TGI P-day

April 18, 2011

Hello! how are you? Did you know seeya is hello in hungarian? :) wait till you hear my hungarian, its great! ha! you asked if we have a lot of hungarian missionaries but no we don't. president shamo just likes putting me with them! there are three hungarian sisters so I won't be surprised if I serve with all of them.

sister Mocza is amazing. I love her! she's a really hard worker and she's just so sweet. she was the only missionary who came out in her group that didn't speak and english. they don'e teach it at the preston mtc either so she had to learn it all on the streets. she speaks it really well though.

this week has been so hard. I quit counting how many hours of finding we did this week. it was a lot. we had 8 appointments fall through this week which was really dissappointing. especially because we had spent about an hour calling members and trying to find people to come with us on the teaches. its the worst when you bring a member with you to a lesson and then the people aren't even there. so yeah, this week was pretty long and I've been looking forward to pday since last pday haha I'm definitely taking a nap today :) I don't know what is with people this last week but no one really listened to us except jehovahs witnesses. they can be pretty entertaining actually! we put all this effort and hard work into finding new people to teach and literally got nothing. It was tough.

Robert isn't getting baptized this week which is kind of a bummer but he is still doing great. he just wants more time. he moves really slowly but he has come so far. just keep him in your prayers! it is definitely helping! he is down to 3 cigarrettes a day! yesterday he actually only smoked two but he called me last night and asked if he could just go crazy and have as many as he wants today because today is his last day. nope! sorry robert! it was a nice try haha he stresses me out so bad. seriously I hate it. this weekend he had to cancel an appointment with us because his motorcycle broke and then his phone was off on saturday so I didn't think he was going to come to church but he showed!! he rode a bicycle all the way to church :) in a nice shirt and tie. bless his heart. he's so cool, I love teaching him!

We talked to Jannie this week about moving up his baptism to May but he still wants to do it on his birthday in August. he said he would pray about it. I hope he changes his mind cause I really want to be here for it! it's been so fun teaching him. he is such an amazing guy and he shows so much faith. He loves the people of the ward too, they are so good at welcoming people into our church, it helps us so much.

Yesterday we got to watch the Sunday afternoon session of conference...finally!!! and it was amazing! I loved it! I cried through like the whole thing haha but it was amazing. definitely an answer to prayers. Richard G. Scotts talk was adorable :) I loved it. and then yes! I was so excited that Elder Holland spoke! he is my favorite and I knew that he would say exactly what robert needed to hear and what do ya know? he did! robert loved President Uchtdorfs talk on receiving revelation and has been wondering if it was an answer to prayers or if it was a coincidence and then elder holland gets up and tells him it was an answer to his prayers. it was so amazing! I love conference so much but this year it was so perfect. we've seen so much progression with robert because of it. what a miracle

Thank you so much for all you do for me! I've been thinking a lot about how blessed I am to have you for a mom and what an amazing family I have. You've helped me so much in my life. thank you! I love you!
 love, sister gregson

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