Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Transfers and a New Comp

April 6, 2011

The reign of sister allred and sister gregson is officially over. I was convinced we were going to be together for one more transfer but she got moved :( guess where she is going?!! CHICHESTER!!! hahaha I love chi so I was super excited. I'm sad that she's gone cause we've had a great time and we work well together but I'm excited to work with my new companion. her name is sister Mocsa (motsa) and she is hungarian. my second hungarian companion! :) she is a goat farmer back home and all the elders told me I'm going to get my little butt kicked because she works so hard but I'm really excited about it! This is her last transfer so I'll have a lot to learn from her. apparently she's awesome though.

 conference was amazing!!! I absolutely loved it. the preisthood did a breakfast at the church that morning so I even got a traditional egg mcmuffin so no, I didn't miss out :) ha!

 my favorite talk was definitely uchtodorfs. for two reasons. #1 he said a quote something along the lines of how missionary work is done more through actions and service and when necessary use words. I was just thinking 'Sweet!! no more contact walking!!' ;) but really his talk was so perfect. it was an answer to prayers for sister allred and I but especially for Robert. that was the only session of conference that robert came to and it was as if president uchtdorf wrote the talk just for him. he talked a lot about receiving revelation and how it comes gradually and it takes patience. it was perfect. we talked to Robert afterwords and he seemed completely spooked that president uchtodorf had said what he said. he left really speachless so we didn't know what he thought. the next day we had dinner at a members home and then they had the ysa over for fhe and asked robert to stay and he did! and guess what, we happened to watch uchtdorfs talk AGAIN! Robert doesn't always have much to say but he seemed really interested in the fact that the talk was perfect for him. tuesday after we found out sis allred is getting transfered we met with robert again and we talked to him about baptism for probably 2 hours and he sat in silence for probably half an hour. literally. he was sweating haha then he got up and started pacing. it took ages but then finally he said ' ok let's set a date then' yeah!!!! I couldn't believe it. we have worked so hard with him and he FINALLY committed!!! the biggest miracle of my mission so far. he's a little worried that he won't be able to quit smoking by then and he still doesn't know if he even believes in God right now but he is willing to take that leap of faith! please pray your hearts out for this kid. he needs a miracle. sister allred and I always pray about a date when we commit people to baptism and within the 4 1/2 months we served together we never got the same date....not very in tune with the spirit i gues?? haha but when we prayed about roberts we got the same date! so he is now preparing for april 23. just pray. pray really hard for him. he needs it so bad. this kid has so much potential he just has to develop his faith. he can go so far. he just needs a reason to.

 anyway, sorry today is so short and crazy. don't have much time cause of transfers. thanks for everything!! I love you so much and you truly inspire me and keep me going. :) Love ya!!

 love, chels

ps tell em happy birthday for me!

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