Wednesday, May 25, 2011


March 7, 2011

it is a gorgeous day today!! the sun is shining and it feels like spring :) yay!! the flowers have started to bloom as well, it is the best. I love summer :) 

  this week has been amazing. The Lord is blessing us so much right now. I can't believe it! It has been so much fun, I love being busy teaching people. 

 Monday night we went knocking and ...well it was a crazy night. we picked a street that is infested with proper wierdos. a man answered the door in his underwear and didn't even care and then his little daughter comes to the door and she's completely naked. I was dying. It took sister Allred FOREVER to realize the guy didn't even have pants on haha It was so funny. he had no shame.... anyway we kept knockin away and ran into a few more of God's crazy children and then we knocked on a door and a man from sri lanka answered the door and he let us in and we taught him and his family!! his wife had to go to work but we taught the dad and his son and daughter. it was amazing. they were so open to everything that we taught them. we taught them again yesterday. we brought a member who is also from sri lanka. this time we taught the dad and the mom, the kids weren't there. the dad was still very excited about it and he believes that Thomas Monson is a prophet! the mom also believed what we were teaching her but the only book she wants to read is her bible. that's it. so we started small and committed her to read the intro and the testimonies. they were so nice, we are going back later this week and I am so excited!! I love teaching families :) there isn't 8 of them but close! just 5. haha

  so Emanuel had an interview with President Shamo this week to figure out everything with his muslim backround. he pretty much asked him if any of us were going  to get killed by angry muslims if he gets baptized and good news!!! we're safe :) he says in Nigeria, where he's from, the Christians and Muslims have a great relationship and so everything will be fine. it was an amazing interview. I love the way President Shamo teaches. you can tell he loves serving people. he served his mission in ELSM as well so of course he loves it! so since we couldn't teach emanuel any more until he had his interview we have had to cram everything in before his baptism, it's been a little crazy and stressful but he is acepting everything so well. we taught him about tithing this morning and he got excited about it. it was so cool. we are so blessed to have a temple in this mission. we took him on saturday and he absolutely loved it. over and over he said 'I can feel it, I can feel it' (the spirit) he was just so happy the whole time we were there. he was excited to see the clip of Thomas S Monson and he LOVED the joseph smith movie. whenever something happened that he liked he would kind of cheer haha at the part where Joseph tells the men that they will die at that instant if they didn't stop talking so horribly about the people emanuel was like 'Yeah!!' haha it was so funny. he is the coolest guy ever. teaching him has been so much fun. 

 alyssa is doing great. she is just as entertaining as ever. she has made my life so exciting since I met her. . every week something new is happening with her. but she is so golden. she has downloaded like every church talk ever given and she puts them on her ipod and she has all these church apps on her phone. it is so awesome. she's already like half way through the book of mormon too. I love her to death 

  that about sums up our week. we are teaching some amazing people right now. we truly are so blessed.

 Robert.. remember robert? he came to church yesterday!! that was a miracle. we haven't been able to meet with him forever cause of his work schedule but he quit his job so now we can meet with him more. we taught him at the church the other day and the spirit was soo strong! it was the first time I've felt the spirit while teaching him. it was amazing. and he came to church which we didn't think would happen for a long time so that was a miracle. I think he is even going to come to the YSA FHE tonight. yeah!!

 well thanks for everything!! I love you so much, you guys are all amazing! I hope everyone is doing well. thank you for the letters and everything, you guys are the best!

 love ya!
love, sister gregson

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