Wednesday, May 25, 2011

From Across the Pond

April 11, 2011

Sounds like the weather isn't too great in Utah right now. suckers :) it is beautiful here!! flowers come out like weeds in england it is soo amazing. I love it! This week has been great! sister mocza is so awesome, she has a really thick hungarian accent, it is so cute. I like her a lot. she is so funny, she goes crazy for curry. seriously, you mention curry and she about has a heart attack haha normally she's pretty quiet unless she's talking about curry. she's great.

 things are going great here! we're having a hard time finding new people to teach but at least we have Robert and Jannie. both of them are doing great. we were able to take Jannie to the temple on saturday and he loved it! I got some cool pics but I can't figure out how to send them...sorry. hopefully soon!

 Robert is doing well too. he stresses me out so bad. we taught him on thursday and then I couldn't get a hold of him on friday or saturday and I was worried he wasn't going to be at church but he still showed up! but right after sacrament he left. I didn't even get a chance to talk to him cause I had to play in sacrament and when I was done he was already gone. we called him last night though and he is doing really great. he is so funny. he didn't used to be funny but he is now. I think just cause I've known him for so long that he has finally started to feel comfortable with me. he is really reserved so he doesn't really seem to like getting to know knew people so I think that will be a struggle with Sister Mocza but it should be fine. I don't know how much I've told you about Robert giving up smoking but when we committed him sis allred said she would give up sugar because she is addicted. she had this massive box of candy in our flat and would seriously eat candy all day. she really is addicted haha Roebrt didn't believe her and so on her last day she gave him the box of candy. I think he's replacing sugar with cigarettes now :) he ate so much that night, he ate an entire box of peeps. it was disgusting. but when i called him last night he had just eaten like 24 pixie sticks. ha. he's so funny. so yeah as of right now everything is still going well while we're getting him ready for baptism! keep him in your prayers please! it has definitely been helping so thank you very much:)

 we had a baptism on saturday. Emmanuel Halm (the second emmanuel) was baptized.  the baptism went really well. andy galleher baptized him which was cool. andy was baptized in July last year so he was really excited. he was really really nervous though. he about drowned emmanuel haha but it went great!

 things are going well! I love it in High Wycombe. I think I'll serve the rest of my mission here. I'm sure president would be fine with that :) sis Mocza goes home after this transfer so I'm pretty much guarunteed to be here for a little while longer. the ward is so much fun and I like High Wycombe. I've been told the closer you get to london the crazier people get. but I love it here! sister mocza was so shocked by the people here. it was so funny, she served in her last area for 10 months and so apparently they are way different. she thinks High Wycombe is the slums haha people are a bit crazy and we do live next to a pub so at night that's not always fun but I think this area is awesome! I love it. I guess I was just born to serve in the ghetto :)

well I hope everything is going well at home!! it sounds like things are good, I was sad to hear about krystal alvey. how is her family doing? thank goodness we have the gospel and understand the power of the atonement

I love you guys so much, thank you for everything!!
love ya!

love, sister gregson

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