Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pip Pip Cheerio

March 28, 2011

I think I'll start with a joke a member told me this week.
who is the first man mentioned in the bible?
...chap #1...
hilarious I know.

hello!! how are you this week?? it sounds like the weather can't make up its mind in utah. england has been so sunny up until about friday. 

 this week has been AMAZING. when we went shopping we found skippy peanut butter which I thought was going to be the highlight of my week but it just got better and better :) we saw so many miracles. mostly with robert

Robert has been doing so well. it's like ever since we took him to the temple he is starting to progress more and more. we decided to teach him the restoration again but then we decided we wanted to show him the joseph smith movie. we showed him the first half on wednesday and the rest of it on friday. wednesday was really cool because we got him to pray in front of us for the first time! it was amazing. every time we've asked him to pray he just laughs at us like we're idiots or something and says no way but he said it on wednesday. it was really cool. and then on friday after we watched the rest of the movie we talked a lot about Joseph Smith but then mostly about prayer. we told him about being sincere with your prayers and that when you pray and expect an answer from god you need to have the intent of acting on that answer. we then asked him what he would do if he got an answer from god and he said he would join the church and be baptized. I was so shocked that he said that. we've been teaching robert since my second or third day in Wycombe and I've been here for 4 1/2 months now! he says he is starting to feel more comfortable with praying and he thinks he feels something but he is still doubting. he'll get there. just pray for him please! sacrament was perfect for him yesterday as well. it was testimony meeting and everyone who got up said everything perfectly. most people that got up talked about their conversions and prayer. emanuel smith even got up and talked about how much the church has helped him since he started meeting with us and getting baptized. how perfect is that?! it was amazing. we have started to see so many miracles with him so hopefully he'll get the confirmation that he needs. he is so funny, I love teaching him.

 Jannie is doing really great too. he is so busy so it's hard to meet with him a lot but some members invited us all over to dinner the other night and he loved it. we watched the joseph smith movie with him after dinner and i'm pretty sure I saw him wiping a tear at one point :) that movie is powerful! 

 emmanuel halm. bless him. he is still doing great. his baptism in on april 9 and he is still accepting everything so easily. we taught him word of wisdom last night and he thought no tea and coffee was so funny but he didn't really care about not drinking it anymore. he thought it was funny because in england they are obssessed with it here but he's african so whatevs haha

 well I am running really low on time so i gotta go. I'm sorry this email is so short but things are going well! I can't wait for conference!!!! I am looking so forward to it. best time of the year :)
 thanks for everything! I love you so much

love, sister gregson

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